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Welcome to the University of Merdeka Malang (UNMER) E-Journal System Portal, a comprehensive platform for scholarly publications and academic excellence. As a digital hub for knowledge sharing, we are committed to providing open access to high-quality research across various fields of study.
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Our mission is to foster a dynamic and collaborative academic environment that supports researchers in pursuing impactful and innovative studies. Through this portal, we aim to contribute to global academic discourse and promote meaningful advancements in science, technology, and the humanities.
Copyright ©2025 University of Merdeka Malang
AFRE (Accounting and Financial Review)
Journal title : AFRE (Accounting and Financial Review) Initials : AFRe Abbreviation : AFRe Frequency : 3 Issues every year (March, July, and November) DOI : Prefix 10.26905 by Crossref Print ISSN : 2598-7763 Online ISSN : 2598-7771 Editor in Chief : Prof. Dr. Grahita Chandrarin (Scopus Id: 57204187575) Deputy Editor : Dr. Sugeng Haryanto, SE., MM (Scopus Id: 58767724300) Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang Citation Analysis : SINTA 2 | Dimensions | DOAJ | Google Scholar | Garuda | Index Copernicus International (ICI) AFRE (Accounting and Financial Review), is a publication of the Graduate School Program, University of Merdeka Malang. The journal is an article published continuously which is intended not only as a place to share ideas, study, and analysis but also as an information channel to improve and develop accounting and finance science. This publication consists of scientific writings in the form of research findings, analysis, application theory, conceptual ideas, new book reviews, bibliography, and practical writing from experts, academics, and practitioners. The published writings have been in the process of editing needed by the publisher without changing the substance of the original script. The writing in each publication is the personal responsibility of the author and it does not reflect the publisher’s idea. More several other changes in the AFRE (Accounting and Financial Review) are informed in the Journal History.
Local Wisdom : Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Kearifan Lokal
Journal title : Local Wisdom: Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Kearifan Lokal (Local Wisdom Scientific Online Journal) Initials : LW Abbreviation : Local Wisdom J. Ilm. Kaji. Kearifan Lokal Frequency : 2 Issues every year (January and July) DOI : Prefix 10.26905 by Print ISSN : 2086-3764 Online ISSN : 2615-4951 Editor-in-Chief : Respati Wikantiyoso Managing Editor : Pindo Tutuko Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang Citation Analysis : Google Scholar; Garuda; Index Copernicus International (ICI); Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ); SINTA 2 Journal Summary :
LOCAL WISDOM is a scientific journal in Architecture and the City as a "bridge" between architecture and urban planning and design studies. This scientific journal focuses on research relating to the study of local wisdom. Local knowledge is a potential local characteristic based on a local culture that has been a tradition in public life. A form of local wisdom studies varied widely, ranging from a cultural value system and social system to the physical manifestation of culture in the form of local knowledge, local technologies, and the built environment's physical form. Studies of local wisdom are an effort to realize the harmony of the city environment and sustainability through the use and development of local knowledge and contextual and participatory approaches. The scope of the study will be published in an article relating to the study of architecture (space, shape, and arrangement), a special area of study, and the study of urban planning and design. Local Wisdom of Journal published by the Center for Local Wisdom Studies, Department of Architecture, University of Merdeka Malang. Several other changes in LOCAL WISDOM are also mentioned in the journal's history.
Jurnal Bisnis dan Manajemen
Journal title : Jurnal Bisnis dan Manajemen Initials : JBM Abbreviation : Jurnal Bisnis dan Manajemen Frequency : 2 Issues every year (May and November) DOI : Prefix https://doi.org/10.26905/jbm Print ISSN : 1829-7528 Online ISSN : 2581-1584 Editor-in-Chief : Prof. Doddy Setiawan Managing Editor : M. Rizki Firdaus BABM.,S.AB.,MBA Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang Citation Analysis : Google Scholar | Garuda (Garba Rujukan Digital) | SINTA 3 | Dimensions | DOAJ | ICI Copernicus Journal Summary :
Jurnal Bisnis dan Manajemen covers the areas of Financial Management, Human Resource Management, Marketing Management, Operational Management and it also covers the field of entrepreneurship.
Publisia: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Publik
Journal title PUBLISIA: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Publik Initials PJIAP Abbreviation J. Publisia Frequency 2 Issues every year (April and October) DOI Prefix 10.26905 by Crossref Print ISSN 2541-2515 Online ISSN 2541-2035 Editor in Chief Budhy Prianto Managing Editor Chandra Dinata Publisher Department Public Administration, Faculty of Social Science and Political Science, University of Merdeka Malang Citation Analysis SINTA 3 | DOAJ | Dimensions | ICI Copernicus | Google Scholar | licenced
Journal Summary: PUBLISIA: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Publik, with registered number ISSN 2541-2515 (print), ISSN 2541-2035 (online) is a multidisciplinary scientific journal published by the University of Merdeka Malang (Unmer Malang). The scope of this journal concerns many problems in general or problems related to the science of public administration at the developing national level. The purpose of this journal publication is to disseminate conceptual thinking or ideas and results of research that have been achieved in the fields of public administration, public policy, and governance. Especially focused on issues in the development of public policy science and local governance. Broader coverage includes administrative development, regional autonomy and bureaucracy, state apparatus, decentralization, development economics, public management, and social sciences, including public health, fiscal politics, and regional planning.
Please read these guidelines carefully. Authors who want to submit their office manuscript to the editorial office of PUBLISIA: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Publik should obey the writing guidelines. If the text is not written in a different format, it will BE REJECTED by the editors before further review. The editor will only accept the manuscripts which meet the assigned format.
PUBLISIA: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Publik is going to publish journals twice in two terms: APRIL and OCTOBER. Please submit your manuscript. Please Download the Template HERE. The draft of the Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement can be downloaded at the Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement Letter link or the following link for document format. Author Fees HERE.
PUBLISIA: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Publik has been Accredited “Rank 3”(Peringkat 3) as a scientific journal under the decree of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia. More several other changes in PUBLISIA: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Publik are informed in the Journal History.
Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan
Journal title : Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang Abbreviation : J. Manaj. dan Kewirausahaan Frequency : 2 Issues every year (June and December) DOI : Prefix 10.26905 by Print ISSN : 2301-9093 Online ISSN : 2540-8259 Editor-in-Chief : Prof. Fajar Supanto, S.E, M.Si Managing Editor : Ernita Dian Puspasari, S.P., M.Si Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang Citation Analysis : Google Scholar | DOAJ | SINTA 3 | GARUDA | Index Copernicus International ICI)  Journal Summary :
Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan is a periodical issue containing information and analysis related to management science and entrepreneurship. This journal is of a popular scientific nature that includes both theoretical and empirical research. More several other changes in JMDK are informed in the Journal History.
Journal title -
Jurnal Pariwisata Pesona
Journal title : Jurnal Pariwisata Pesona Initials : JPP Abbreviation : J. Pariwisata Pesona. Frequency : 2 Issues every year (June and December) DOI : Prefix 10.26905 by Crossef Print ISSN : 1410-7252 Online ISSN : 2541-5859 Editor-in-Chief : Mochammad Musafa'ul Anam Managing Editor : - Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang Citation Analysis : DOAJ | SINTA 3| Portal Garuda | Google Scholar | Dimension Jurnal Pariwisata Pesona (JPP), is a scientific periodical journal of Diploma of Tourism, University of Merdeka Malang, which includes a variety of research in the field of tourism and hospitality, the analysis of actual case studies, or ideas related to the actual tourism and hospitality studies. This scientific periodical journal is intended as a means of scientific communication and a means of fostering, developing and strengthening knowledge in the field of tourism. Academics, legal practitioners, or anyone interested in the field of tourism and hospitality may submit their papers to the editor with the guidelines in writing. Researchers in all tourism and hospitality fields are encouraged to contribute articles based on recent research.
Open Journal Systems (OJS): Open Journal Systems (OJS) has been applied for all business process in Jurnal Pariwisata Pesona (JPP) including submitting reviewing editing publishing since 2016. Therefore, the authors are required to register and upload the manuscript by ONLINE SUBMISSIONS in advance. The process of the manuscript could be monitored through OJS. Authors, readers, editorial board, editors, and peer review could obtain the real-time status of the manuscript. Starting Volume 18 No. 2 December 2017, Jurnal Pariwisata Pesona (JPP) had a New Cover for a printed version.
Article Timeline (Estimation)
First Decision
1 weekReview Time
12 weeksAcceptance
3 weeksGoogle Scholar Analysis Citations
Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum
Journal title : Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum Initials : Indonesia Journal of Cakrawala Hukum (IDJCH) Abbreviation : J. Cakrawala Huk. Frequency : 3 Issues every year (April, August, and December) DOI : Prefix 10.26905 by Crossref Print ISSN : 2356-4962 Online ISSN : 2598-6538 Editor in Chief : Galih Puji Mulyono Deputy Editor : Dewi Ayu Rahayu Publisher : Faculty of Law, University of Merdeka Malang Citation Analysis : SINTA 3 | DOAJ | Dimensions | ICI Copernicus | Google Scholar | Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum is a scientific periodical published by the Faculty of Law, University of Merdeka Malang Publishers, which includes a variety of research in the field of law, the analysis of actual case studies, or ideas related to actual laws in parts of South East Asia with comparisons of laws in the world. Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum is formed in 1996 and many manuscripts were published until recent days. A scientific periodical is intended as a means of scientific communication and a means of fostering, developing, and strengthening knowledge in the field of law. Academics, legal practitioners, or anyone interested in the field of law may submit their papers to the editor with the guidelines in writing. Focus studies specific fields of law issues in South East Asia. Legal researchers on legal issues in South East Asia are encouraged to contribute articles based on current research with comparisons of laws in the world. More several other changes in Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum are informed in the Journal History.
Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Informatika
Journal title Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Informatika Initials JTMI Abbreviation J. Teknologi dan Manajemen Informatika Frequency 2 Issues every year (June and December) DOI Prefix 10.26905 by Crossref Print ISSN 1693-6604 Online ISSN 2580-8044 Editor in Chief Kiswara Agung Santoso Deputy Editor Devita Maulina Putri Publisher Faculty of Information Technology, Universitas Merdeka Malang Citation Analysis SINTA 3 | Dimensions | ICI Copernicus | Google Scholar | Garuda licenced
Journal Summary: Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Informatika (JTMI) is published by the Faculty of Information Technology, University of Merdeka Malang. JTMI publishes 2 issues per year in June and December with the scope of computer science covering information technology, information systems, and information management.
Jurnal Akuntansi dan Perpajakan
Journal title : Jurnal Akuntansi dan Perpajakan Initials : Journal of Accounting and Taxes (JAP) Abbreviation : J. Akunt. Perpajak. Frequency : 2 Issues every year (March and September) DOI : Prefix 10.26905 by Croosref Online ISSN : 2721-3692 Print ISSN : 2338-6010 Editor in Chief : Retna Safriliana Deputy Editor : Diyah Sukanti Cahyaningsih, Dewi Kusumowati, Wahyu Setiyorini Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang Citation Analysis : Sinta 3; Google Scholar; Garuda; Index Copernicus International (ICI); Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ) Jurnal Akuntansi dan Perpajakan (Journal of Accounting and Taxes) publishes quantitative research across all major accounting and tax research fields. It is a forum for all academicians, research scholars, scientists, and industry people to share their accounting and tax views and publish their scholarly papers. Accounting and Taxes aims to provide an outlet for the increasing flow of academic research concerning accounting and taxes in public or private entities. Journal of Accounting and Taxes welcomes submissions of complete and original quantitative research manuscripts not under review in other conferences or journals. The journal is the official publication of the Accounting Department of the University of Merdeka, the institution devoted to studying and promoting knowledge of accounting and taxes. Publication date and Frequency are twice every year in March and September. Researchers in all accounting and tax fields are encouraged to contribute articles based on recent research. Several other changes in Jurnal Akuntansi dan Perpajakan (Journal of Accounting and Taxes) are informed in the Journal History.
Abdimas: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Merdeka Malang
Abdimas: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Merdeka Malang published by the Institute for Research and Community Services the University of Merdeka Malang as the implementation of science, technology, economics, environment, and social in empowering the community, dedicated to disseminating research and practices in community empowerment and service. The journal provides academics, practitioners, and researchers a platform to share impactful contributions to community development and engagement.
- Publisher: University of Merdeka Malang
- Print ISSN: 2721-138X
- Online: 2548-7159
- Frequency: Quarterly (February, May, August, November)
- Indexing/Abstracting: DOAJ │Index Copernicus International (ICI)│ Google Scholar│SINTA 3│ Garuda
Focus and Scope: The journal aims to promote innovation and collaboration in addressing real-world challenges faced by communities across various sectors. The scope of the journal includes, but is not limited to:
- Community-Based Development
- Sustainable Livelihoods
- Education and Training
- Health and Well-Being
- Social Innovation
- Technology for Empowerment
- Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
- Partnership and Collaboration
- Cultural and Local Wisdom
The journal welcomes submissions from academics, researchers, practitioners, and policymakers working on innovative, evidence-based solutions to empower communities and address their unique needs and challenges.
Jurnal Nomosleca
Journal title : Jurnal Nomosleca Initials : Journal of Nomosleca Abbreviation : Nomosleca Frequency : 2 Issues every year (April and October) DOI : Prefix 10.26905 by Print ISSN : 2443-0927 Online ISSN : 2541-6650 Editor-in-Chief : Rochmad Effendy Managing Editor : Lian Agustina Setiyaningsih Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang Citation Analysis : Google Scholar | DOAJ | Garba Rujukan Digital (GARUDA) |SINTA 4 | ICI Copernicus Journal Summary :
Jurnal Nomosleca (JN) is a scientific periodical journal of Communication Sciences, University of Merdeka Malang, which includes a variety of research in the field of communication phenomenons, the analysis of actual case studies or ideas related to the actual communications studies. The focus of Jurnal Nomosleca is study in the field of Communication and other multi-disciplines that are able to be combined with the science of communication. This journal is published twice every year in April and October. More several other changes in Jurnal Nomosleca are informed in the Journal History.
Jurnal Psikologi Tabularasa
Journal title : Jurnal Psikologi Tabularasa Initials : JPT Abbreviation : J. Psikol. Tabularasa Frequency : 2 Issues every year (April and October) DOI : Prefix 10.26905 Print ISSN : 1693-7007 Online ISSN : 2541-013X Editor-in-Chief : Muhammad Untung Manara, Ph.D Managing Editor : Dr. Rinto Wahyu Widodo, S.Psi., M.Si. Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Malang Citation Analysis : Google Scholar | Garuda | SINTA | Dimensions | ICI Copernicus | Jurnal Psikologi Tabularasa (JPT) is an open access journal issued by the Faculty of Psychology, University of Merdeka Malang. It is published twice a year, in April and October. The journal's scopes include clinical psychology, developmental psychology, educational psychology, and industrial & organizational psychology. This scientific periodical journal is aimed to foster, develop, and enhance knowledge in the field of psychology through scientific communication. Authors are encouraged to submit complete, unpublished, original, full-length articles that are not currently being reviewed in other journals.
JPT has been published since 2007. Start from Volume 9, No. 2 (2024), JPT is published in English.
Journal of Industrial View
Journal title Journal of Industrial View Initials Indonesia Journal of Industrial View (IJIV) Abbreviation J. Industrial View Frequency 2 Issues every year (May, and November) DOI Prefix 10.26905 by Crossref Print ISSN 2723-0414 Online ISSN 2685-3159 Editor in Chief Dani Yuniawan Deputy Editor Fuad Kautsar Publisher Faculty of Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Merdeka Malang Citation Analysis SINTA 4 | Garuda | ICI Copernicus | Google Scholar | licenced
Journal Summary: . Journal of Industrial View (JIV),is a scientific periodical of the Department of Industrial Engineering , Faculty of Engineering, University of Merdeka Malang, which includes a variety of research in the field of industrial engineering, or the analysis of actual case studies. Journal of Industrial View (JIV) is formed since 2018 and many of manuscript published until recent days. A Scientific periodical is intended as a means of scientific communication and a means of fostering, developing and strengthening knowledge in the field of industrial engineering. Academics, practitioners may submit his papers to the editor with the guidelines in writing. Coverage includes, but is not limited to manufacturing systems, management system, operation research, quality engineering and human factors engineering. Researchers in all industrial engineering fields are encouraged to contribute articles based on recent research.
Journal title : Transmisi Initials : jtmt Abbreviation : Transmisi Frequency : 2 Issues every year (March and September) DOI : Prefix 10.26905 by Print ISSN : 0216-3233 Online ISSN : 2580-2283 Editor-in-Chief : Darto Managing Editor : Ike Widyastuti Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Malang Citation Analysis : Garuda | Index Copernicus International (ICI) | Google Scholar | Dimensions | Sinta 4 Journal Summary :
TRANSMISI is a Journal of Mechanical Engineering published by the University of Merdeka Malang as dissemination media of research results and scientific work both basic and applied research. This journal contains articles in the fields of energy conversion, materials (metallurgy), production and manufacturing competencies, both basic research or applied equipment engineering. Some changes in TRANSMISI are informed in the journal history.
EnJourMe (English Journal of Merdeka) : Culture, Language, and Teaching of English
Journal title EnJourMe (English Journal of Merdeka): Culture, Language, and Teaching of English Initials EnJourMe Abbreviation EnJourMe (English J. of Merdeka) Cult. Lang. Teach. English Frequency 2 issues every year (July and December) DOI Prefix 10.26905by Crossref Print ISSN - Online ISSN 2502-5740 Editor in Chief Firman Parlindungan Managing Editor Karlina Karadila Yustisia Publisher D3 English Program, Universitas Merdeka Malang Citation Analysis SINTA 5 | DOAJ | Dimensions | ICI Copernicus | Google Scholar Journal Summary: EnJourMe (English Journal of Merdeka): Culture, Language, and Teaching of English is a peer-reviewed journal. Founded in 2016 with the registered number ISSN: 2502-5740 (online), provides a forum for the full range of scholarly articles in the field of Culture, Language, and Teaching of English. It is published by Universitas Merdeka Malang. The contents of the journal include analyses, studies, application of theories, research reports, materials development, and reviews. The journal seeks to disseminate research to educators around the world. Authors are encouraged to submit complete, unpublished, original, and full-length articles that are not under review in any other journals.
JEEMECS (Journal of Electrical Engineering, Mechatronic and Computer Science)
Journal title : JEEMECS (Journal of Electrical Engineering, Mechatronic and Computer Science) Initials :Journal of Electrical Engineering, Mechatronic and Computer Science Abbreviation : JEEMECS Frequency : 2 Issues every year (February and August) DOI : Prefix 10.26905 by Print ISSN : 2614-4859 Online ISSN : 2614-4867 Editor-in-Chief : Ir. Rahman Arifuddin, S.T.,M.T Managing Editor : Wahyu Dirgantara, S.T.,M.T Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang Citation Analysis : |SINTA 4 | Google Scholar |Gerbang Rujukan Digital (GARUDA) | Dimension| Journal Summary :
JEEMECS is an Open-Access journal who managed by Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Merdeka Malang, Indonesia. The technologies are rapidly changing and updating. Thus rapid distribution and publication to researchers, engineers, and educators are very important. Our aim after receiving the manuscript and editing process required is to quickly publish the received letters. Publishing periodically 2 (two) times a year. More several other changes in JEEMECS are informed in the journal history.
Journal of Regional Economics Indonesia
Journal title Journal of Regional Economics Indonesia (JREI) Initials JREI Abbreviation JREI Frequency 2 Issues every year (February and August) DOI Prefix 10.26905 by Print ISSN - Online ISSN 2723-5769 Editor in Chief Dr. Aris Siswati, S.P., MM Deputy Editor Agni Prajna Yadi, STP., M.Ec. Publisher University of Merdeka Malang Citation Analysis Google Scholar; Dimensions; GARUDA; SINTA licenced
Journal Summary: The Journal of Regional Economics Indonesia welcomes studies on the themes of development economics, especially those concerning four main issues, namely: (i) regional finance; (ii) banking; (iii) human resources; and (iv) regional / spatial economics. These four issues are obtained through empirical writing and ideas (literature review). The main objective is to provide a sharp analytical related to efforts to develop development economics. The objectives of the journal are expected to be able to contribute to the literature as well as practically.
Journal title : Journal of Regional Economics Indonesia (JREI) Initials : JREI Abbreviation : JREI Frequency : 2 Issues every year (February and August) DOI : Prefix 10.26905 by Print ISSN : - Online ISSN 2723-5769 Editor-in-Chief : Dr. Aris Siswati, S.P., MM Managing Editor : Agni Prajna Yadi, STP., M.Ec. Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang Citation Analysis : Google Scholar; Dimensions; GARUDA; SINTA Journal Summary :
The Journal of Regional Economics Indonesia welcomes studies on the themes of development economics, especially those concerning four main issues, namely: (i) regional finance; (ii) banking; (iii) human resources; and (iv) regional / spatial economics. These four issues are obtained through empirical writing and ideas (literature review). The main objective is to provide a sharp analytical related to efforts to develop development economics. The objectives of the journal are expected to be able to contribute to the literature as well as practically.
Mintakat: Jurnal Arsitektur
Journal title Mintakat : Jurnal Arsitektur Initials JAM Abbreviation AJM Frequency 2 Issues every year (Maret, September) DOI Prefix 10.26905 by Crossref Print ISSN 1411-7193 Online ISSN 2654-4059 Editor in Chief Junianto HW Deputy Editor Dina Poerwaningsih Publisher Architecture Department University of Merdeka Malang Citation Analysis SINTA 4 | Garuda | ICI Copernicus | Google Scholar | licenced
Journal Summary: Mintakat: Journal of Architecture (MJA) has been published online since 2017 by Universitas Merdeka Malang. MJA is issued twice per volume, in March and September. It serves as a publication platform for architecture-related works, including both scientific papers and design projects. Scientific papers featured in MJA stem from research findings, original critical ideas, and journal reviews. Meanwhile, the published design works include built projects as well as conceptual models developed through academic elaboration by faculty members, students, and/or professional architects. The core discussion topics in architecture revolve around architectural entities in the form of space and architectural form across various scales (interior design, buildings, and urban or regional planning), key contributing factors (humans, society, and the environment), and value systems (social, cultural, and economic). There are no restrictions on the scope or depth of the writings, whether they are scientific papers or design projects. However, contributions are expected to align with multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary approaches in thought and problem-solving. The editorial team may also designate specific themes or topics for certain editions. MJA welcomes submissions from experts, practitioners, and anyone interested in contributing original works that have not been published in other print media.
MLJ Merdeka Law Journal
Journal title MLJ Merdeka Law Journal Initials Indonesia MLJ Merdeka Law Journal Abbreviation M. Law Jou. Frequency 2 Issues every year (May and November) DOI Prefix 10.26905 by Print ISSN 2722-7448 Online ISSN 2722-7456 Editor in Chief Dr. Supriyadi Managing Editor Prof. Dr. Kadek Wiwik Indrayanti Publisher University of Merdeka Malang Citation Analysis Dimensions | Google Scholar | Garba Rujukan Digital (GARUDA) | Summary
Welcome to the official website of MLJ Merdeka Law Journal. With the spirit of further proliferation of knowledge on the legal in Indonesia to the wider communities, this website provides journal articles for free download. MLJ Merdeka Law Journal is a scientific publication affiliated with the Law Masters Program in the Merdeka Malang University Graduate Program, which was first published in 2020. The goal of the MLJ Merdeka Law Journal is as a forum for the exchange of ideas, studies, and results of research and scientific development in the field of law from academics and legal practitioners. The scope of the MLJ Merdeka Law Journal article is related to legal issues: constitutional law, administrative law, criminal law, civil law, international law, regulations, comparative law, and jurisprudence. Published articles have gone through a process of review and editing by the editor without changing the substance of the article. Published writing is the personal responsibility of the author and does not reflect the opinion of the publisher. More several other changes in MLJ Merdeka Law Journal are informed in the Journal History.
Please download Author Guidelines, Manuscript Template, and Original Statement MLJ Merdeka Law Journal, please click the link here.Â
JASIEK (Jurnal Aplikasi Sains, Informasi, Elektronika dan Komputer)
Journal Title : JASIEK (Jurnal Aplikasi Sains, Informasi, Elektronika dan Komputer) Initials : Jurnal Aplikasi Sains, Informasi, Elektro dan Komputer Acronym : JASIEK Frequency : 2 Terbitan Per Tahun (Juni dan Desember) DOI : Prefix 10.26905 by Print ISSN : 2656-5722 Online ISSN : 2685-497X Editor-in-Chief : Basitha Febrinda Hidayatulail Managing Editor : Subairi Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang Abstracting & Indexing : SINTA 4 | Google Scholar | dOI Crossref| Garuda | Dimension | Index Copernicus International (ICI) Focus and Scope
Power Generation system, Power Distribution, Electric Power Conversion, Protection Systems and Technology Electrical Materials ,Signal System dan Electronic
Digital Signal Processing, Image Processing, Robot Systems, Control Systems and Embeded
Systems Communication Systems
Telecommunications, Wireless Communications and Computer Networks
Information Technology
Engineering Software, Multimedia Data Mining, Mobile Computing, Parallel / Distributed Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Graphics and AR / VR
Applications of Science
Instrumentation, Mathematics, Physics, Geological Technology, Chemistry, Science Education and Health or Biomedical Technology
Sistem Tenaga
Generator, Distribusi Daya, Konversi Daya Listrik, Sistem Perlindungan dan Teknologi Bahan elektrik
Sinyal, Sistem, dan Elektronik
Pemrosesan Sinyal Digital, Pemrosesan Gambar, Sistem Robot, Sistem Kontrol dan Sistem Embeded
Sistem komunikasi
Telekomunikasi, Komunikasi Nirkabel dan Jaringan Komputer
Teknologi Informasi
Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak, Penambangan Data Multimedia, Komputasi Bergerak, Komputasi Paralel / Terdistribusi, Inteligensi Buatan, Grafik Komputer dan AR / VR
Aplikasi Sains
Instrumentasi, Matematika, Fisika, Teknologi Geologi, Kimia, Pendidikan Sains dan Teknologi Kesehatan atau BiomedisSistem Tenaga
Generator, Distribusi Daya, Konversi Daya Listrik, Sistem Perlindungan dan Teknologi Bahan elektrik
Sinyal, Sistem, dan Elektronik
Pemrosesan Sinyal Digital, Pemrosesan Gambar, Sistem Robot, Sistem Kontrol dan Sistem Embeded
Sistem komunikasi
Telekomunikasi, Komunikasi Nirkabel dan Jaringan Komputer
Teknologi Informasi
Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak, Penambangan Data Multimedia, Komputasi Bergerak, Komputasi Paralel / Terdistribusi, Inteligensi Buatan, Grafik Komputer dan AR / VR
Aplikasi Sains
Instrumentasi, Matematika, Fisika, Teknologi Geologi, Kimia, Pendidikan Sains dan Teknologi Kesehatan atau Biomedis -
Bhirawa Law Journal
Journal title Bhirawa Law Journal Initials Indonesia Bhirawa Law Journal Abbreviation Bhirawa Law J. Frequency 2 Issues every year (May, November) DOI Prefix 10.26905 by Print ISSN 2775-4464 Online ISSN 2775-2070 Editor in Chief Dr. H. Teguh Suratman S.H., M.S. Deputy Editor Ferry Anggriawan S.H., M.H. Publisher University of Merdeka Malang Citation Analysis Dimensions | Copernicus ICI | Google Scholar|GARUDA| Summary
Welcome to the official website of Bhirawa Law Journal. In the spirit of further proliferation of knowledge on the legal in Indonesia to the wider communities, this website provides journal articles for free download. Bhirawa Law Journal is a scientific periodical of the Faculty of Law, University of Merdeka Malang, which includes a variety of research in the field of law, or the analysis of actual case studies, or ideas related to the actual law. Bhirawa Law Journal is formed in 2020 and many manuscripts published until recent days. A Scientific periodical is intended as a means of scientific communication and a means of fostering, developing, and strengthening knowledge in the field of law. Academics, legal practitioners, or anyone interested in the field of law may submit their papers to the editor with the guidelines in writing. Coverage includes, but is not limited to Employment and industrial law, Corporate governance and social responsibility, Intellectual property, Corporate law and finance, Insolvency, Commercial law and consumer protection, Environmental law, Taxation, Competition Law, and Regulatory theory. Researchers in all law fields are encouraged to contribute articles based on recent research.
Please download Author Guidelines, Manuscript Template, and Copyright Original Statement Bhirawa Law Journal, please click the link here.Â
Jurnal Ilmiah Bisnis dan Perpajakan (Bijak)
Journal title : Jurnal Ilmiah Bisnis dan Perpajakan (Bijak) Initials : Bijak Abbreviation : J. Ilmiah Bisnis dan Perpaj.. Frequency : 2 Issues every year (February and July) DOI : Prefix 10.26905 Online ISSN : 2656-4297 Editor in Chief : Dr. Edi Subiyantoro, M.Si. Deputy Editor : Dr. Harmono, M.Si. Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang Citation Analysis : | Sinta | Garba Rujukan Digital | Index Copernicus International | Google Scholar | -
Business Management Research
Journal title : Business Management Research Abbreviation :Jurnal Bismar Frequency : 2 Issues every year (January and July) DOI : - Print ISSN : - Online ISSN : 2827-8267 Editor-in-Chief : Dr. Umu Khouroh, SE., MSi. Managing Editor : Ery Sulistyorini, SE., MM. Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang Citation Analysis : Google Scholar  Journal Summary :
Business Management Research (Bismar) is a periodical issue containing information and analysis related to management science and business. This journal is of a popular scientific nature that includes both theoretical and empirical research. This journal focuses on the development of management science and business including aspects : Financial Management, Marketing Management, Human Resources Management, Operational Management, Strategic Management, System Information Management and Business Applied.
Journal title -
Composite: Journal of Civil Engineering
Journal title Composite: Journal of Civil Engineering Initials Composite Abbreviation CJCE Frequency 2 Issues every year (June and December) DOI Prefix 10.26905 Print ISSN 2964-6626 Online ISSN 2961-7111 Editor in Chief Dr. Bekti Prihatiningsih, ST., MT. Managing Editor Zaid Dzulkarnain Zubizaretta, ST., MT. Publisher University of Merdeka Malang Citation Analysis Dimensions |Google Scholar |Garba Rujukan Digital (GARUDA) |ICI Copernicus
Welcome Website The Composite: Journal of Civil Engineering, is a scientific journal of the Civil Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, the University of Merdeka Malang, which contains various research results. This journal is published twice a year in June and December. Manuscripts can be research papers, analyses of actual case studies, or ideas related to the field of civil engineering, as well as conceptual, technical, and methodological papers on all aspects including research findings, experimental design, analyses, and the latest applications in the civil engineering field. The scope of the Composite: Journal of Civil Engineering includes
• Construction Engineering
• Transportation Engineering
• Water Engineering
• Environmental Engineering
• Construction Management
• Geotechnical Engineering
• Occupational Health and Safety in Construction
• Construction and Environment Law.More several other changes in Composite: Journal of Civil Engineering is informed in the Journal History.
Jurnal Penelitian
Journal title : Jurnal Penelitian Initials : JP Abbreviation : J. Penelit. Frequency : 2 Issues every year (June and December) DOI : Prefix 10.26905 by Crossref Print ISSN : 1410-7295 Online ISSN : 2809-7688 Editor-in-Chief : Dr. Syarif Hidayatullah, SE., MM. Managing Editor : Dr. Sari Yuniarti, SE., MM. Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang Citation Analysis : Google Scholar | Garuda |ICI Copernicus| Dimensions Jurnal Penelitian: Published by the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) the University of Merdeka Malang as a forum for research publications that support the development of science, technology, economy, environment, and society in empowering the community.
Jurnal Penelitian welcomes submissions of complete and original research manuscripts, which are not under review in any other conferences or journals. The journal is the official publication of the Institute for Research and Community Services at the University of Merdeka Malang.
Jurnal Penelitian is part of the spirit of disseminating research results. Open Journal System (OJS) on Jurnal Penelitian provides journal articles for free download. Jurnal Penelitian is a national scientific journal that is a reference source for academics in the field of research.
Journal of Transformative Governance and Social Justice
Journal title Journal of Transformative Governance and Social Justice Initials J-TRAGOS Abbreviation J. Transform. Gov. Soc. Justice Frequency 2 Issues every year (January, and July) DOI Prefix 10.26905 by Crossref Print ISSN 3024-904X Online ISSN 2985-6272 Editor in Chief Dr. Sukardi, M.Si. Deputy Editor Dr. Chandra Dinata, S.Sos., M.PA. Publisher Faculty of Sosial and Political Sciences, University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia. Citation Analysis Dimensions | Garba Rujukan Digital (GARUDA) | Google Scholar | ICI Index Copernicus International (ICI) licenced
Journal Summary: J-TRAGOS: Journal of Transformative Governance and Social Justice is a scientific and academic journal that contains original research articles, literature reviews, and commentary related to the social studies field. It contains major global, national, regional, and local issues. The scope of Transformative governance is related to public policy discourse and analysis, public administration discourse, dynamics of regional and local government, leadership and bureaucracy, digital governance, global political studies, big data analysis, social media analysis, government innovation, agile government, and conflict management. The Scope of Social Justice is related to social welfare, social policy, public health policy, education policy, social inclusion, human development, civil society movement, citizenship, politics, polarization, digital society, and disruption. J-TRAGOS is published two times a year (January and July) and managed by the Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Science, University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia. The published article originated from researchers, academicians, professionals, and practitioners from all over the world. Submissions are open year-round. Before submitting, please ensure that the manuscript is written in English, in accordance with J-TRAGOS focus and scope, and follows our author guidelines & manuscript template.
Journal of Information System and Application Development
Journal title Journal of Information System and Application Development Initials JISAD Abbreviation JISAD Frequency 2 Issues every year (March and September) DOI Prefix 10.26905 by Crossref Print ISSN 2988-5698 Online ISSN 2988-4721 Editor in Chief De Rosal Ignatius Moses Setiadi Deputy Editor Asri Samsiar Ilmananda Publisher Faculty of Information Technology, Universitas Merdeka Malang Citation Analysis Dimensions | ICI Copernicus | Google Scholar | Garuda Journal Summary: The Journal of Information System and Application Development (JISAD) is an open-access journal published by the Department of Information System, Faculty of Information Technology, Universitas Merdeka Malang, Indonesia. JISAD prioritizes the quality of the journal, methodology, and tools and prioritizes a large impact on Information System Technology. The journal is about Information System Management, Application Development and Management, Data Analysis, and IT Infrastructure. JISAD is published twice a year in March and September. JISAD has been published online since 2023.
Jurnal Pariwisata Tourista
Journal title : Jurnal Pariwisata Tourista Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang Abbreviation : JPT Frequency : 2 Issues every year (April and October) DOI : - Previous ISSN : 2809-400X Current ISSN : 3066-6876 Editor-in-Chief : Dhita Paramita Anggraini, S.S., M.A. Managing Editor : Reny Puspitasari, S.Pd., M.Pd. Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang Citation Analysis : Google Scholar| Garuda | Index Copernicus International (ICI) Jurnal Pariwisata Tourista diterbitkan oleh Program Diploma Kepariwisataan Universitas Merdeka Malang sebagai terbitan berkala yang menyajikan informasi dan analisis persoalan Kepariwisataan (Perhotelan, Destinasi Wisata dan Perjalanan Wisata). Jurnal ini terbuka untuk akademisi, praktisi dan dikhususkan untuk penelitian mahasiswa (skripsi) yang sudah selesai dan revisi ujian akhir. Jurnal ini bersifat ilmiah populer yang meliputi pemikiran teoritik maupun penelitian empirik. Redaksi menerima karya ilmiah dalam bentuk hasil penelitian atau artikel, termasuk ide-ide pengembangan khususnya di bidang Kepariwisataan.
Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan
Journal title : Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan Initials : JKP Abbreviation : J. Keuang. dan Perbank. Frequency : 4 issues every year (January, April, July, and October) DOI : Prefix 10.26905 Print ISSN : 1410-8089 Online ISSN : 2443-2687 Editor-in-Chief : Prof. Supramono, SE, MBA, DBA Managing Editor : Dr. Diana Zuhroh, MSi, Ak Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang Citation Analysis : SINTA | Google Scholar | DOAJ | Copernicus | Web Of Science Journal Summary :
Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan (Journal of Finance and Banking), publishes theoretical and empirical research across all the major fields of financial and banking research. It serves as a forum for all the academicians, research scholars, and scientists, and also for the industry people to share their finance and banking views and to publish their scholarly papers. The Journal of Finance and Banking aims to provide an outlet for the increasing flow of scholarly research concerning financial institutions and the money and capital markets within which they function. Journal of Finance and Banking welcomes submissions of complete and original research manuscripts, which are not under review in any other conferences or journals. The journal is the official publication of the Finance and Banking Program University of Merdeka Malang, the institution devoted to the study and promotion of knowledge about finance and banking.
Abstracting &
Indexing:Google Scholar | Indonesian Scientific Journal Database | Garba Rujukan Digital | SINTA| DOAJ | CrossRef/DOI | EBSCO Open Science Directory | ASEAN Citation Index | Index Copernicus International
Journal title : Flora Initials : Flora Abbreviation : flora Frequency : 2 Issues every year (June and December) DOI : Prefix 10.26905 Print ISSN : 1858-0572 Online ISSN : - Editor-in-Chief : Dr. Agus Suryanto, S.P., M.P Managing Editor : Takim Mulyanto, S.P., M.MA. Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang Citation Analysis : Google Scholar | Garuda | ICI Copernicus Journal Summary :
FLORA is an agricultural scientific journal that publishes original scientific articles on all agricultural topics. Flora is a primary scientific publication that contains the results of research on estate crops commodities. The journal's scope includes parts directed toward the management of agro-technology covering agro-ecosystems, plant physiology, plant breeding, horticulture, and environmental resources.
FLORA welcomes submissions of complete and original research manuscripts that are not under review in other conferences or journals. The journal is the official publication of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Merdeka Malang.
FLORA is part of the spirit of disseminating research results. Open Journal System (OJS) on FLORA provides journal articles for free download. FLORA is a national scientific journal that is a reference source for academics in the field of research.
Journal of Governance and Public Service
Journal title : Journal of Governance and Public Service Initials : JGPS Abbreviation : Frequency : 2 Issues every year (February and August) DOI : Prefix 10.26905 Print ISSN : Online ISSN : Editor-in-Chief : Prof. Dr. Agus Sholahuddin, MS. Managing Editor : Dr. Rooswidjajani, M.Si. Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang Citation Analysis : Google Scholar; Dimensions Journal Summary :
The Journal of Governance and Public Service (JGPS) is an international journal, seeking to advance research on governance and public services to support new solutions in government policy. This journal publishes high-quality, innovative articles that examine, or are relevant to government policy or emerging forms of governance and services in developing countries and civil society. This journal includes papers that examine how different forms of policy and governance emerge and influence at scales ranging from local to global and in the context of diverse governance policy developments. This journal invites analyses that are at the forefront of academic debate and which have practical significance and policy relevance.
The Journal of Governance and Public Service (JGPS) accommodates and encourages innovation and methodological diversity to promote problem-oriented research and public service research. All manuscripts are peer-reviewed, with the aim of returning constructive comments on submitted manuscripts in a timely manner. The editorial strategy and review process of the Journal of Governance and Public Service (JGPS) is guided by an active editorial board consisting of leading academics from various regions and disciplines. Editors cordially invite manuscript submissions for publication.
For Author(s), please see the Journal Guidelines and Templates for submission.
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Indonesian Journal of Green Economics
Journal title : Indonesian Journal of Green Economics Initials : IJGE Abbreviation : Frequency : 2 Issues every year (March and September) DOI : Prefix 10.26905Â by Print ISSN : Online ISSN : Editor-in-Chief : Dr. Sari Yuniarti, M.M. Managing Editor : Dr. Diyah Sukanti, MSA. Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang Citation Analysis : Google Scholar | Garuda | ICI Copernicus Journal Summary :
The Indonesian Journal of Green Economics (IJGE) publishes theoretical and empirical papers addressing economic questions related to the green economy. A green economy involves sustainable consumption and production, as well as resource efficiency for sustainable economic growth. Sustainable consumption and production aim to improve production processes to reduce waste generation and resource consumption.
The Indonesian Journal of Green Economics (IJGE) accommodates and encourages innovation and methodological diversity to promote problem-oriented research and green economics research. All manuscripts are peer-reviewed, with the aim of returning constructive comments on submitted manuscripts in a timely manner. The editorial strategy and review process of The Indonesian Journal of Green Economics (IJGE) is guided by an active editorial board consisting of leading academics from various regions and disciplines. Editors cordially invite manuscript submissions for publication.
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Journal title : Realita Initials : Realita Abbreviation : Frequency : 2 Issue every year (June and December) DOI : Prefix 10.26905 by Print ISSN : 1858-0580 Online ISSN : - Editor-in-Chief : Tutik Heriana, SE., MM. Managing Editor : - Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang Citation Analysis : Google Scholar; Dimensions Journal Summary :
Realita [p-ISSN 1858-0580] is a peer-reviewed journal published twice times a year (June, and December) by the University of Merdeka Malang (PDKU Ponorogo). Realita is intended to be the journal for publishing articles reporting the results of management, law, and state administration research. Realita invites manuscripts on various topics including, but not limited to, functional areas of Management, Law, and State Administration.
For Author(s), please see the Journal Guidelines and Templates for submission.
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Economics, Management, and Banking Studies
Journal title : Economics, Management, and Banking Studies Initials : EMBS Abbreviation : Economics, Management, and Banking Studies Frequency : 2 Issues every year (June and December) DOI : Prefix 10.26905 by Crossref Print ISSN : Online ISSN : Editor in Chief : Eko Aristanto Deputy Editor : Dr. Isman, SE., MM. Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang Citation Analysis : Google Scholar | Garuda | ICI Copernicus Journal Summary : Economics, Management, and Banking Studies (EMBS) is open access, peer-reviewed journal which publishes high-quality, original research in economics, management, banking, and finance.
EMBS welcomes theoretical and empirical contributions including original papers, reviews, case studies, policy implications, etc. Submissions related to any region will be considered, but special attention is devoted to research dealing with Indonesian economies, particularly Indonesia's financial systems and banking sectors. Research papers which apply new mathematical, statistical, and econometric methods are warmly welcomed.
EMBS encourages contributions from academics, scholars, student researchers, and especially early career researchers.
Journal of Economics, Business and Banking
Journal title : Journal of Economics, Business and Banking Initials : REB Abbreviation : Frequency : 2 Issues every year DOI : Prefix 10.26905 by Print ISSN : 2089-6077 Online ISSN : Editor-in-Chief : Managing Editor : Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang Citation Analysis : Journal Summary :
Journal of Economics, Business and Banking, a publication of Graduate School Program, University of Merdeka Malang. The journal is an article published continuously which is intended not only as a place to share ideas, study, and analysis but also as an information channel to improve and develop economics, busniess and banking. This publication consists of scientific writings in the form of research finding, analysis, and application theory, conceptual idea, new book review, bibliography, practical writing from experts, academics, and practitioners. The published writings have been in the process of editing needed by the publisher without changing the substance as the original script. The writing in each publication is the personal responsibility of the author and it does not reflect the publisher’s idea. More several other changes in Journal of Economics, Business and Banking are informed in the Journal History.
Journal title : JURNAL DEPOSITORY Initials : JD Abbreviation : J. Depository Frequency : 2 Issues every year (August and February) DOI : Prefix xxxxxxxx by Print ISSN : xxxx-xxxx Online ISSN : xxxx-xxxx Editor-in-Chief : Respati Wikantiyoso Managing Editor : Nurhamdoko Bonifacius Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang Citation Analysis : Google Scholar | Garuda Citations
Google Scholar
Journal Summary:Â
DEPOSITORY Journal published online and in print by the Architecture Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Merdeka University of Malang. DEPOSITORY Journal is a periodical publication that publishes Architectural Design works, both Academic Design, Design Competition Results, and Real Project Design. The focus and scope of its substance is on architectural design in the form of academic assignment results, design competition results, and project works. DEPOSITORY Journal is published twice yearly, namely in February and August. DEPOSITORY in its first edition was published in Bahasa. The topics of discussion in this Journal are in the form of studies of architectural entities in the scope of spatial design and the architectural form of buildings and/or areas at various spatial scales, elements that play a role (humans, society, and the environment), value systems (social, cultural, economic), which are the basis for architectural design decisions. Its scope is not limited, but it is expected to produce multidisciplinary and/or interdisciplinary thinking and solutions that are expressed in architectural design works. The editorial team invites prospective architects, young architects, and professional architects interested in contributing articles that have never been published in print media and/or other online media, to future issues.
Proceedings of International Conference of Graduate School on Sustainability
Journal title : Proceeding of International Conference of Graduate School on Sustainability Initials : ICGSS Abbreviation : ICGSS Frequency : 1 Issues every year DOI : Prefix 10.26905 by  Print ISSN : - Online ISSN : 2721-1398 Editor-in-Chief : Dr. Ir. Dina Poerwoningsih, ST., MT Managing Editor : Dr. Diana Zuhroh Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang Citation Analysis : Google Scholar | Garuda | Index Copernicus International (ICI) Â
Journal Summary :
Following the end of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in 2015 with 8 goals, the United Nations (UN) developed the sustainability of the world's goals through Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with 17 goals. As well as other countries in the world, the Indonesian government is also working towards achieving these objectives in the government, business, and civil society sectors to co-operate with the UN, and the Indonesian government started mobilizing to achieve the Sustainable Development Agenda by 2030. Universal, inclusive, and indivisible, the Agenda calls for action by all countries to improve the lives of people everywhere. Graduate School of the University of Merdeka Malang as an educational institution takes a role in a small part in the academic field by conducting scientific discussions from scholars and practitioners in a conference forum. This activity adopted Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development and 17 Goals for Sustainable Development. The ultimate goal of this conference is to answer the needs and thinking of the people in Indonesia and international people to achieve sustainable living and also to know more about the efforts of the UN and its partners to build a better world without being left behind. The conference, entitled "SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS 2030: CHALLENGES AND ITS SOLUTIONS" is expected to be gathered by field ideas and practices on the implementation of SDGs in the world. A collection of articles will greatly assist the Indonesian government in particular and other countries in the world in providing alternative solutions and challenges for sustainability in the future. Furthermore, starting in 2018, the naming of the journal became the International Conference of Graduate School on Sustainability (ICGSS).
More several other changes in ICGSS are informed in the Journal History.
For Author(s), please see the Journal Guidelines and Templates for submission.
Proceedings of International Conference in Social Science
Journal title : Proceedings of International Conference in Social Science Initials : ICONISS Abbreviation : Proc. Int. Conf. Soc. Sci. Frequency : 1 Issue every year (November) DOI : Prefix 10.26905 by Print ISSN : 2774-4132 Online ISSN : 2774-8383 Editor-in-Chief : Prof. Dr. Bonaventura Ngarawula, MS. Managing Editor : Dr. Supriyadi, S.H., M.H. Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang Citation Analysis : Google Scholar; Dimensions  Journal Summary :
The international conference on human security, governance, and policy initiates crucial conversations and takes a part in mitigating issues about human security, as a fundamental platform in the policy development of politics, economics, and Socio-cultures in both developed and developing countries. Human security is one of the contemporary global issues that has received considerable attention from academics as well as policymakers across the globe these days. In the area of digital revolution 4.0, it has given a situation that imposes more challenging circumstances. The humanitarian crisis has been a dominant issue that continues to feature in any academic discussions about any possible challenges that come ahead. It addresses the responsibility of the government to mitigate issues of economic security, food security, health security, environmental security, personal security, community security, and political security. These seven components are further simplified into three main components.
For Author(s), please see the Journal Guidelines and Templates for submission.
Journal title -
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Management, Accounting and Economics (SEMAE)
Journal title : Prosiding Seminar Nasional Management, Accounting and Economics (SEMAE) Initials : SEMAE Abbreviation : Frequency : 1 Issue every year (January) DOI : Prefix 10.26905 by Print ISSN : - Online ISSN : 2828-0806 Editor-in-Chief : Dr. Retna Safriliana Managing Editor : Dr. Diyah Sukanti Cahyaningsih Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang Citation Analysis : Google Scholar; Dimensions Summary :
SEMAE (Seminar Nasional Management Accounting and Economics): Prosiding yang memuat artikel hasil penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat yang diseminasikan dalam Seminar Nasional Tahunan Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Merdeka Malang yang SEMAE diawali di tahun 2022.
Journal title -
Proceedings of International Conference on Sustainability
Journal title : Proceeding of International Conference of Graduate School on Sustainability Initials : ICoS Abbreviation : ICoS Frequency : 1 Issues every year DOI : Print ISSN : - Online ISSN : Editor-in-Chief : Managing Editor : Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang Citation Analysis : Google Scholar | Garuda | Index Copernicus International (ICI) Â
Journal Summary :
The world has undergone significant transformations across various sectors in recent decades due to rapid technological advancements. The concept of Society 5.0, first introduced by the Japanese government, envisions a society that integrates advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), big data, and robotics into all aspects of life. Society 5.0 not only focuses on technological efficiency and innovation but also on creating high-added value for society by improving quality of life, promoting social inclusivity, and ensuring environmental sustainability. However, amidst this transformation, sustainability challenges have become increasingly urgent. Climate change, environmental degradation, social inequality, legal aspects, and economic disparity are critical issues that must be addressed promptly. Therefore, integrating sustainability principles into the era of Society 5.0 is crucial. When wisely utilized, advanced technologies can be powerful tools to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Against this backdrop, the international conference "Sustainable Development in the Era of Society 5.0" is organized to discuss, examine, and formulate strategies and innovative solutions to support sustainability in various aspects of life. This conference aims to be a platform that brings together stakeholders from multiple fields, including academics, researchers, industry practitioners, policymakers, and civil society, to share knowledge, experiences, and best practices.
For Author(s), please see the Journal Guidelines and Templates for submission.